Has anyone yet grasped what the death of Trayvon Martin meant? For George Zimmerman?
It gave this faux policeman (in his mind), this vigilante in a seeming time-warp for isn't that time over with?
It gave this attention seeking, troubled, ethics challenged, unstable male with a HISTORY of violence proven and alleged, his fifteen + minutes of fame, and now he will walk way.
AND I SENSE with NO REMORSE, having learned NOTHING of value to change his future actions or to atone for what he did...to Trayvon and in a sense to all of us by demeaning, denigrating, and then TAKING the life of another human being. George Zimmerman DISMISSED Trayvon like I would toss a bag of garbage in the dumpster. I watched this sorry excuse for a human being sit in the courtroom seemingly to me DEVOID of ANY feelings or emotions. Probably coached to do that, but I kept having the sense that he needn't have been coached. I don't get that he has much of ANY emotional baggage inside him concerning the taking of someone else's life and if that is true? MY GOD...what is this man capable of in the future? AND...that night in February 2012...what in HELL was in his mind? And coaching only goes so far. To be able to sit there as he did day after day and hour after hour, I think somewhere along the line it's less about coached and more about the character of the person...or whatever is supposed to pass for character.
Well, for one thing WE KNOW what was in whatever it is that passes for a mind in George Zimmerman...
because It is clearly audible on the police tape that no one in the Sanford Police Department seemed to want to consider. Wonderful group there. Old-Time Southern Justice still running amuck, methinks. I thought Smokey had retired. IS NOW, huh.
because It is clearly audible on the police tape that no one in the Sanford Police Department seemed to want to consider. Wonderful group there. Old-Time Southern Justice still running amuck, methinks. I thought Smokey had retired. IS NOW, huh.
But back to my question.
What did the situation as it presented itself MEAN to Zimmerman?
A chance to prove his pseudo-macho creds to maybe himself first? A reinforcement if you will of someone obviously insecure deep down and needing to BOLSTER what he wanted others to see...whether that was even remotely possible or not to anyone but him. Oh what a wonderful tale it will be for the grannychillun. All those wonderful hours by the fire reenacting this little courtyard of horrors.
Hey, all those hours with all those girls...in his mind hanging on his every word...along with a bunch of twit guys. Is that what was going through Zimmerman's mind as he pushed forward that night, seemingly HELL-BENT on 'TAKING DOWN A NIGGER', just so he can feel better about himself?
It COULD BE that it was also a chance to vent his aggressive nature and that he has one is HARDLY in dispute. His rap sheet proves that. Lovely chap, eh what?
Hey, all those hours with all those girls...in his mind hanging on his every word...along with a bunch of twit guys. Is that what was going through Zimmerman's mind as he pushed forward that night, seemingly HELL-BENT on 'TAKING DOWN A NIGGER', just so he can feel better about himself?
It COULD BE that it was also a chance to vent his aggressive nature and that he has one is HARDLY in dispute. His rap sheet proves that. Lovely chap, eh what?
SO, then who or what was Trayvon Martin TO George Zimmerman anyway? AN OPPORTUNITY?
Attention seeking, venting and specifically venting of obvious racial hostility I would conjecture...and anyone who doubts that? I direct you once again to the police tape. Yes, Trayvon meant to George an opportunity to PROVE to the bosses at the offices of his Neighborhood Watch program (& thanks, I prefer Wheel of Fortune) that BY GOD HE WAS ON THE JOB...and to prove it he has just NAILED a PERP. A FUCKING PERP, FUCKING ASSHOLES AND PUNKS ALL (in his tortured mind). (Etc.).
To help matters along, (and Georgie couldn't have shot Trayvon without this help), some incompetent boob at the gun licensing office thought that evidently OL' GEORGE was jest the EEEE PITTTT o mee of mental stability, although I suspect that might be an unfair criticism but hey. I know they ain't psychologists, but REALLY. The Republicans in Florida and elsewhere think even the likes of George Zimmerman and Adam Lanza, Seung Hui Cho-the shooter at the Virginia Tech Massacre (and isn't it just super special that we have all these OOOO KEWL names for these things), and all these other BLEEPS should have ALL THE FIREARMS their little wallets can handle. Good God and no one in the Republican PAH TEEE thinks ANYONE should be screened even a teensy.
So, when ZimPoo spotted Trayvon Martin walking, WALKING mind you, ARMED TO THE TOOFERS with an iced tea and skittles...well...HELL...what else would or could or should ANY red-blooded American armed with a gun and WAY too much Testosterone and macho bullshit personality syndrome DO?
("STOP THE TRUCK, I wanna get out. and pursue...EVEN WHEN I AM ORDERED TO STOP. But HELL..when did I EVER do what law enforcement wanted. I alus jest SUCKER PUNCHED the bozo's")...& this is what he wanted to be? A cop? There to me seems to be a significant disconnect between his view of the police as a whole and THE...GEORGE ZIMMERMAN as one image he obviously has cooked up in his brain, such as it is. All I know is he never would have been ANYTHING but the worst kind of cop EVAH...the kind that seemed to be quite prevalent in the Sanford Police Dept and which is a page right out of the worst southern police officer B movies ever made.
Yep...whole different ballgame...in his mind.
Yep...whole different ballgame...in his mind.
SO, while cussing and snorting and calling Trayvon every nasty disgusting little thing his nasty-ass mind and mouth could come up with, and armed, (Boy is that not the picture of southern gentility), he went after this 17yo black kid. This 17yo black HONOR STUDENT kid. Yeh, Trayvon was a smart little sucker. Just an unlucky one.
You know what? I for one do NOT give a RATS ASS who threw the first punch. I think I know and that asshole is still alive but the point is...IF HE HADN'T GOTTEN OUT OF HIS TRUCK? NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE EVER HAPPENED...and THAT little factoid seems to have been RELENTLESSLY AVOIDED in the trial. WHY? WHAT was the point? Indeed, what was the NEED? The justification? THE REASON...for George Zimmerman to do ANY of the shit he did that night. ANSWER? NONE. THERE WAS NONE...and again, I didn't hear that at the trial either. NOT A SQUEAK about what could POSSIBLY be the justification for Zimmerman's attack on Martin. NONE. Telling, methinks. Where was the prosecution on that one? Dunkin Donuts?
Now, let's analyze this
for a cotton-pickin' minute.
Let's just say YOU are George Zimmerman that night. (I know, disgusting thought but BEAR with me).
YOU (as George) see someone you feel uneasy about. Looks black although with his head completely inside that hoodie, who knows what George could see? But eventually he did see that it was a young black kid. A KID. That is important. 17 year olds are kids even if they are black or white or pink polka dot with purple hair.
SO, it's near dark and raining. You can't see much and the ground and walks are a bit slippery from the rain.
But BY GOD, YOU are INVINCIBLE and there is a WILD-EYED PUNK-ASS BLACK MOFO, who is about to DESTROY CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT and it's ALL UP TO ME NOW. (as the William Tell Overture kicks in and...).
Ok, that's a stretch I'll give you...but my point is, he did NOT know Trayvon. He had NO clue what he might be up against but one thing he DID know. HE had a GUN. Did the KID? George had NO way of knowing just as Trayvon had no way of knowing whether this older and much heavier STRANGER now PURSUING HIM WITH GUSTO was armed or what. BOY, you talk about arrogance. He went, evidently convinced that he could handle whatever. He was armed. But how could he know that Trayvon wasn't? Unanswered question we will probably never know the answer to. But obviously George knew he had the upper hand. Was it that Trayvon might have been a bit unsteady on his feet? HUH? WAS IT THAT? Did Zimmerman SEE THAT, and suspect alcohol or drugs and so he KNEW? HE KNEW...he had this kid DEAD TO RIGHTS...or wrongs. There has been talk that Trayvon seemed a bit unsteady in the convenience store. Was he? I don't know...but, I ask you.
Would YOU get out of your truck, leaving the relative safety of the cab...even as the cops are telling you to back off? Would YOU even CONSIDER putting yourself into that kind of unknown RISK? OR...would you just follow him at a discreet distance, keeping him in visual range...and hold for the cops' arrival, and George KNEW they were enroute. Again, that is NOT in dispute.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? HUH? My bet for MY sorry ass is stay in the truck, and wouldn't a nice cup of hot chocolate sound REAL good about now? IN MY WARM BEDDIE, all snuggly and...
Ok, so I am a woosie...but no hot chocolate with little teeny tiny marshmallows for our pal George. But, again, WHY? WHY?
THE TRUTH IS...HE BECAME THE PERPETRATOR and NOT the victim at the EXACT MINUTE he got out of that truck hell-bent on pursuing this kid HE HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE and KNEW NOTHING ABOUT.
Now, let's analyze this
for a cotton-pickin' minute.
Let's just say YOU are George Zimmerman that night. (I know, disgusting thought but BEAR with me).
YOU (as George) see someone you feel uneasy about. Looks black although with his head completely inside that hoodie, who knows what George could see? But eventually he did see that it was a young black kid. A KID. That is important. 17 year olds are kids even if they are black or white or pink polka dot with purple hair.
SO, it's near dark and raining. You can't see much and the ground and walks are a bit slippery from the rain.
But BY GOD, YOU are INVINCIBLE and there is a WILD-EYED PUNK-ASS BLACK MOFO, who is about to DESTROY CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT and it's ALL UP TO ME NOW. (as the William Tell Overture kicks in and...).
Ok, that's a stretch I'll give you...but my point is, he did NOT know Trayvon. He had NO clue what he might be up against but one thing he DID know. HE had a GUN. Did the KID? George had NO way of knowing just as Trayvon had no way of knowing whether this older and much heavier STRANGER now PURSUING HIM WITH GUSTO was armed or what. BOY, you talk about arrogance. He went, evidently convinced that he could handle whatever. He was armed. But how could he know that Trayvon wasn't? Unanswered question we will probably never know the answer to. But obviously George knew he had the upper hand. Was it that Trayvon might have been a bit unsteady on his feet? HUH? WAS IT THAT? Did Zimmerman SEE THAT, and suspect alcohol or drugs and so he KNEW? HE KNEW...he had this kid DEAD TO RIGHTS...or wrongs. There has been talk that Trayvon seemed a bit unsteady in the convenience store. Was he? I don't know...but, I ask you.
Would YOU get out of your truck, leaving the relative safety of the cab...even as the cops are telling you to back off? Would YOU even CONSIDER putting yourself into that kind of unknown RISK? OR...would you just follow him at a discreet distance, keeping him in visual range...and hold for the cops' arrival, and George KNEW they were enroute. Again, that is NOT in dispute.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? HUH? My bet for MY sorry ass is stay in the truck, and wouldn't a nice cup of hot chocolate sound REAL good about now? IN MY WARM BEDDIE, all snuggly and...
Ok, so I am a woosie...but no hot chocolate with little teeny tiny marshmallows for our pal George. But, again, WHY? WHY?
THE TRUTH IS...HE BECAME THE PERPETRATOR and NOT the victim at the EXACT MINUTE he got out of that truck hell-bent on pursuing this kid HE HAD NEVER SEEN BEFORE and KNEW NOTHING ABOUT.
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN, IN TRUTH, FORFEITED ANY SELF-DEFENSE DEFENSE the minute he did that and while I am reading and hearing all kinds of BULLPUCKY BS from people trying to defend George Zimmerman, what I just recited IS THE TRUTH, and I AM SORRY. That is NOT defensible when it ends as it did. Zimmerman initiated contact. That is not in dispute. Zimmerman was the aggressor for all the ACTIONS HE TOOK, and again. NONE OF THAT is in dispute and even the defense had to concede the FACTS.
George Zimmerman was the triggerman, and I would call it ITCHY that trigger finger syndrome...and did I not read that in his 'OFFISHUL CAPACITEE' as the neighborhood watch perthun, he was NOT supposed to be armed? Against the rules and all? Where was THAT in the trial or anywhere else where folks with common sense and a desire for justice convene. Where were those NW idiots who allowed this creep to stalk innocent kids IN THEIR PURVIEW and who supposedly had a policy of NO FIREARMS while on patrol? HUH? Prolly with the SPD at Dunkin' Donuts. Geez.
But hey...this trigger happy weirdo went and shot Trayvon with NO justification, but...yeh..BUT!
What about the 45+ calls George Zimmerman made to police in the time leading up to the night of the murder? All about his talking about the infestation of young black males in that area. Hmmm.
So, why is it a stretch to think that he encountered Trayvon and overreacted? Out of bias? Out of hatred for blacks? Racial bias? What else?
George Zimmerman pulled the trigger that night when he was seemingly never in personal physical danger...
but that is not what those jurors found. WHY? Seems pretty clear to me, but what in HELL were they thinking and how in hell did THEY wind up on the jury?
I heard someone say that they did what was to be expected of people who had to return to their homes and the community. EXCUSE ME? That is all well and good, but WHAT ABOUT JUSTICE? WHAT ABOUT TRAYVON AND HIS FAMILY? WHAT HAPPENED TO CORE VALUES AND PRINCIPLES? WHAT ABOUT THAT, HUH?
Nope. Do whatever is expedient and to hell with the principle of equal JUSTICE for ALL. ALL BUT TRAYVON.
Now, as for the defense. WHAT in the hell was Mark O'Mara even doing involved in this case to begin with anyway? Manipulating and using legal chicanery to distort and misrepresent so HE could look REALLY GOOD on camera and i have no doubt padding his bank account while passing himself off as a bastion of the legal justice system. PFUI. Altering George Zimmermans' appearance with weight gain to make him look less aggressive and more vulnerable? FUCK!
George Zimmerman was the triggerman, and I would call it ITCHY that trigger finger syndrome...and did I not read that in his 'OFFISHUL CAPACITEE' as the neighborhood watch perthun, he was NOT supposed to be armed? Against the rules and all? Where was THAT in the trial or anywhere else where folks with common sense and a desire for justice convene. Where were those NW idiots who allowed this creep to stalk innocent kids IN THEIR PURVIEW and who supposedly had a policy of NO FIREARMS while on patrol? HUH? Prolly with the SPD at Dunkin' Donuts. Geez.
But hey...this trigger happy weirdo went and shot Trayvon with NO justification, but...yeh..BUT!
What about the 45+ calls George Zimmerman made to police in the time leading up to the night of the murder? All about his talking about the infestation of young black males in that area. Hmmm.
So, why is it a stretch to think that he encountered Trayvon and overreacted? Out of bias? Out of hatred for blacks? Racial bias? What else?
George Zimmerman pulled the trigger that night when he was seemingly never in personal physical danger...
but that is not what those jurors found. WHY? Seems pretty clear to me, but what in HELL were they thinking and how in hell did THEY wind up on the jury?
I heard someone say that they did what was to be expected of people who had to return to their homes and the community. EXCUSE ME? That is all well and good, but WHAT ABOUT JUSTICE? WHAT ABOUT TRAYVON AND HIS FAMILY? WHAT HAPPENED TO CORE VALUES AND PRINCIPLES? WHAT ABOUT THAT, HUH?
Nope. Do whatever is expedient and to hell with the principle of equal JUSTICE for ALL. ALL BUT TRAYVON.
Now, as for the defense. WHAT in the hell was Mark O'Mara even doing involved in this case to begin with anyway? Manipulating and using legal chicanery to distort and misrepresent so HE could look REALLY GOOD on camera and i have no doubt padding his bank account while passing himself off as a bastion of the legal justice system. PFUI. Altering George Zimmermans' appearance with weight gain to make him look less aggressive and more vulnerable? FUCK!
Now, I have NO problem with everyone having the right to their day in court. NOR do I have a problem with everyone getting good counsel in legal proceedings. But given the financial situation of the Zimmermans, that would have meant a public defender. What's wrong with that? BUT NO.
Daddy was a judge and yet he couldn't afford to help his son? Obviously he wasn't gonna do a mortgage or anything. He didn't even show up for several weeks. Oh he was jest a drippy wif fatherly emotional lovin's and all that. Yeh right. Am I being too harsh? If George were MY son, first if I even thought he was guilty, WE would be having a teeny little CHAT, me being a judge and all. And just the fact that George was my son? I would at the very least BE there no matter what else I might be thinking about the situation.
Daddy was a judge and yet he couldn't afford to help his son? Obviously he wasn't gonna do a mortgage or anything. He didn't even show up for several weeks. Oh he was jest a drippy wif fatherly emotional lovin's and all that. Yeh right. Am I being too harsh? If George were MY son, first if I even thought he was guilty, WE would be having a teeny little CHAT, me being a judge and all. And just the fact that George was my son? I would at the very least BE there no matter what else I might be thinking about the situation.
Ok, back to the defense team. NO PUBLIC DEFENDER...uh uh, CAUSE...Mister O'Mara saw an opportunity to benefit HIMSELF...and MAYBE in the process his client and he went for it, and nothing illegal there. BUT sure as hell speaks to HIS character and lets face it. He won his case and won it against a to me woefully outgunned prosecution team who did NOT even take advantage of all they had available to them. Sad. But maybe they didn't want to. After all, HELL. The Sanford Police had wanted to sweep all this under the rug to begin with anyway. They HARDLY made arresting this creep a priority. I suspect that except for all the publicity that Zimmerman might well have NEVER EVEN BEEN ARRESTED. WAY TO GO SANFORD P D. Boy, YOU GOOOOOD.
You know what? I NEVER thought that anyone's heart was really in prosecuting Zimmerman to begin with. I never saw any REAL outrage on the part of most at least of the Sanford FL residents beyond those who were friends of the Martin family or friends of Trayvon himself...OR the PD OR the prosecutors considering that a non-caucasian white dude with delusions of law enforcement grandeur had just snuffed a BLACK KID. For WHATEVER reason, under no matter the circumstances...and GOOD GOD...no matter the justification. The justification seems to be that Zimmerman simply WANTED to. Maybe he wudda been a good Injun and gotten his ONE PELT and gone back to the tee pee. WELL, PEE HIS TEE and Lone Ranger's Tonto red-faced ( I know it's hard to tell, but...)
You know what? I NEVER thought that anyone's heart was really in prosecuting Zimmerman to begin with. I never saw any REAL outrage on the part of most at least of the Sanford FL residents beyond those who were friends of the Martin family or friends of Trayvon himself...OR the PD OR the prosecutors considering that a non-caucasian white dude with delusions of law enforcement grandeur had just snuffed a BLACK KID. For WHATEVER reason, under no matter the circumstances...and GOOD GOD...no matter the justification. The justification seems to be that Zimmerman simply WANTED to. Maybe he wudda been a good Injun and gotten his ONE PELT and gone back to the tee pee. WELL, PEE HIS TEE and Lone Ranger's Tonto red-faced ( I know it's hard to tell, but...)
Hell, this crap happens all the time and AFTER ALL, HE WAS BLACK WASN'T HE?
I wanna scream.
I wanna cry.
and I wanna go down there and kick some butt...but that ain't gonna happen. PFUI. I am very tanned...yup. Somewhat dark complected, and GOD KNOWS what would happen to me dawn theah...
me being a YAN QUEEEEE by burth 'n' ahhhhl...doncha know. (It's hard to get out the story about all mah years on that lovely ol' plantation with the hanging moss and hanging black men, and all...
And adorable? OH JESUS ALL TO HELL, that would do it right there.
Bubba got this thang about me bein' adorable. Go figger. BUT CRAP. I CAN'T HELP IT any moah than Trayvon could help being black and why should he? Why should ANYONE feel he would even have to? Bastard sicko's.
Okay, stopping for now...although I have a feeling this ain't ovah, fat lady or no fat lady. But I will say this. The ignorance demonstrated all around in this case is BEYOND DEPLORABLE and beyond what I would deem sensible or even sane and I resent that. I have always reserved insanity for ME,
Ok, not by choice...BUT
Written by Editor in Chief Dustybear
(except me. I'm rarely reserved. LOL)
me being a YAN QUEEEEE by burth 'n' ahhhhl...doncha know. (It's hard to get out the story about all mah years on that lovely ol' plantation with the hanging moss and hanging black men, and all...
And adorable? OH JESUS ALL TO HELL, that would do it right there.
Bubba got this thang about me bein' adorable. Go figger. BUT CRAP. I CAN'T HELP IT any moah than Trayvon could help being black and why should he? Why should ANYONE feel he would even have to? Bastard sicko's.
Okay, stopping for now...although I have a feeling this ain't ovah, fat lady or no fat lady. But I will say this. The ignorance demonstrated all around in this case is BEYOND DEPLORABLE and beyond what I would deem sensible or even sane and I resent that. I have always reserved insanity for ME,
Ok, not by choice...BUT
WEEP for the lost children of America.
NO MATTER the color, or background, or social status,
or whatever.
Written by Editor in Chief Dustybear
(except me. I'm rarely reserved. LOL)
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