I am not of the opinion like the T-Party Republicans that the only good government is NO government.

Do you have kids? Would you let them run wild and do whatever they want WHENEVER they want? Of course not, but that is EXACTLY what NO government would give you. Adults (tall children) with NO safeguards and NO restraints, and no moral authority and NO SET BOUNDARIES.

Having NO parental authority in place would leave the children of America running wild. NO GOVERNMENT would have the same effect. It would result in chaos. Anarchy. THAT is truly a frightening prospect. Too, what better scenario but that one combined with EVERYONE WILL BE ARMED TO THE TEETH thanks to the corrupting and corrupted National Rifle Association and its subordinate...ALEC.

If you like the south side of Chicago, you're gonna LOVE the future America. Move over, here comes Max Headroom.

Can they possibly be serious? Unfortunately they are because these 20% or less of the American population are the least educated, least politically engaged, least sophisticated, and yet among the most powerful since 2010 particularly...AND they are by far THE MOST ANGRY, although why is a mystery to me. They are like a whole bunch of errant children having a tantrum.

Smack them and send them to bed without supper. Better yet, outvote them and send THEIR politicians HOME.

They are easily swayed by the unscrupulous like the Waltons and the Koch Bros and Art Pope who only want ONE thing. Power (followed closely by $$$, but they already have more money than God, so it truly is more about power. Heavily into the fossil fuel industries, the 400 wealthiest Americans are hell-bent on destroying the country AND THE PLANET for their own gain/greed. But what will it truly gain them when our coasts are under water, the weather is totally  out of control...and there are armed gangs of Americans now feeling so helpless and so angry that they will have taken the law into their own hands cause there are NO honest politicians or law enforcers left.

THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT? REALLY? You really think Exxon and Chevon and Koch Industries/Georgia Pacific have America's best interests at heart?


It is truly extraordinarily difficult for me to comprehend THIS LEVEL OF STUPIDITY. But...for every David Koch, there are hundreds and thousands of ignoramuses ready and able to pull the lever to elect their goons and stooges. Including at least 4 Supreme Court Justices.


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